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Ashwagandha Liposomal 200mg & L'Theanine 200mg - Sabor Café & Vainilla 250ml

10 ml
Por la noche
Size: 250 ml
Nuestra Ashwagandha liposomal y L-teanina es un suplemento antiestrés esencial en el mundo actual para combatir el estrés crónico y el envejecimiento prematuro.El estrés crónico favorece el envejecimiento de la piel, los trastornos digestivos, el aumento de peso, los problemas de presi...

Nuestra Ashwagandha liposomal y L-teanina es un suplemento antiestrés esencial en el mundo actual para combatir el estrés crónico y el envejecimiento prematuro.

El estrés crónico favorece el envejecimiento de la piel, los trastornos digestivos, el aumento de peso, los problemas de presión arterial, los niveles elevados de azúcar, los trastornos del sueño y las enfermedades cardíacas y cerebrales.

Nuestra potente fórmula contiene 200 mg de extracto de raíz de Ashwagandha orgánica, un adaptógeno que posee las cualidades únicas de reducir el cortisol, la hormona clave que se desencadena con el estrés. También se ha demostrado que mejora la concentración y los niveles de energía.

También hemos añadido 200 mg de L-teanina, un aminoácido conocido por sus propiedades calmantes y relajantes que reducen la ansiedad y la tensión, promoviendo una mejor calidad del sueño.

Nuestro suplemento liposomal altamente biodisponible tiene un sabor natural a café y vainilla.


Reduce los niveles de cortisol - la clave del estrés crónico
Proporciona propiedades ansiolíticas y calmantes.
Aumenta los niveles generales de energía
Favorece una mejor calidad del sueño
Ayuda a reducir la presión arterial inducida por el estrés
Ayuda a equilibrar el metabolismo, el estado de ánimo y la digestión
Reduce los efectos del envejecimiento prematuro de la piel
Favorece el sistema inmunitario del organismo.
Sin gluten, OGM ni soja
Apto para veganos y vegetarianos.

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    Ingredients: Agua purificada, glicerol vegano (estabilizador natural), fosfolípidos, extracto orgánico de raíz de ashwaghanda, l'teanina, vainilla, extracto de espino amarillo (conservante natural) y extracto de romero (conservante natural), ácido cítrico monohidratado.

    NRV: Extracto orgánico de raíz de ashwaghanda 200mg**, L'teanina 200mg** **Valor Nutricional (VRN) No establecido.

    Dietética: Vegano - Vegetariano - Sin OMG - Sin gluten


    Dosis: 10 ml

    Dosage: 10 ml

    Más información: Tomar por la noche, sin comida. Puede añadirse a un líquido frío para diluir el sabor. 10 ml equivalen a 2 cucharaditas

    Almacenamiento: Consérvese en el frigorífico y consúmase en las 6 semanas siguientes a su apertura.

    Advertencias: Consulte a su médico si está está embarazada, en periodo de lactancia medicación o padece alguna enfermedad. No exceda la ingesta recomendada a menos que se lo indique su médico. Los complementos alimenticios Los complementos alimenticios no dieta variada.



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    Why we love this product

    Image 1 Aporta propiedades ansiolíticas y calmantes
    Liposomal Ashwagandha & L'Theanine es un adaptógeno pero a diferencia de otros adaptógenos, tiene un efecto sedante que ayuda a la ansiedad o nerviosismo. Puede ayudar a su cuerpo a responder al estrés crónico y oxidativo y se ha estudiado para demostrar que ayuda a reducir la clave del estrés, "los niveles de cortisol".
    Image 2 Reduce los efectos del envejecimiento prematuro de la piel
    El estrés crónico alimenta el envejecimiento de la piel, los trastornos digestivos, el aumento de peso, los problemas de tensión arterial, los niveles elevados de azúcar, los trastornos del sueño y las enfermedades relacionadas con el corazón y el cerebro.
    Image 3 Favorece el sistema inmunitario
    Este producto tiene propiedades inflamatorias y antioxidantes que pueden ayudar a su sistema inmunitario, disminuyendo la incidencia de infecciones de las vías respiratorias superiores y mejorando la inflamación del tracto intestinal.

    Why buy from us

    At Youth & Earth we know you only want the best for your body. We want that too and so we NEVER compromise when it comes to quality.

    We specialise in cutting edge anti-ageing and longevity products that are backed by science. Our mission is to help you to maintain & sustain the fit & active lifestyle you want.

    Our products mimic a healthy lifestyle, targeting the 9 hallmarks of ageing. Designed for maximum effectiveness, they ensure optimal bioavailability.

    Nuestra fórmula es un nano suplemento con mayor biodisponibilidad.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is Ashwagandha?
    Ashwagandha is a popular herb in Ayurvedic medicine, which is an ancient system of natural healing that originated in India. It is also known as Withania somnifera or Indian ginseng. Ashwagandha is classified as an adaptogen, meaning it helps the body manage stress and maintain balance. It has a long history of use in traditional medicine for various purposes, including reducing stress, improving mood, boosting energy levels, and enhancing overall health and well-being.
    Can stress cause ageing?
    Yes, stress literally ages us. Stress at any age isn’t easy to manage. However, not all stress is “bad” as it causes our natural defences to kick in, what is termed the “fight or flight response” however, a constant state of stress isn't! When we experience stress our adrenal gland releases the well known steroid hormone “cortisol”. Cortisol plays a role in many of our bodily functions such as, our metabolism, immune response and most importantly our response to stress. If exposed to the constant release of cortisol, this chronic stress actually breaks down our skin’s elasticity and collagen. Unfortunately, chronic stress has serious consequences as it can lead to age-related diseases.
    What are some signs of high cortisol levels?
    Symptoms can arise when cortisol levels remain too high. Cortisol levels in the bloodstream that are elevated for a prolonged period of time (such as those associated with chronic stress) are known to have negative effects. High cortisol levels, often associated with chronic stress or certain medical conditions, can manifest in various signs and symptoms. Some common signs of high cortisol levels include: Weight gain, particularly around the abdomen Increased appetite and cravings, especially for sugary or high-fat foods Difficulty sleeping or insomnia Fatigue and low energy levels, despite adequate rest Mood swings, irritability, or anxiety Elevated blood pressure Impaired cognitive function, such as memory problems or difficulty concentrating Weakened immune system, leading to frequent infections or illnesses Muscle weakness or loss of muscle mass Irregular menstrual cycles in women Digestive issues, such as bloating, indigestion, or stomach ulcers It's important to note that experiencing one or more of these symptoms does not necessarily mean you have high cortisol levels, as they can also be attributed to other factors.
    How does stress impact ageing?
    Unlike our ancient ancestors, we do not face the stressful threat of being eaten. However, we do face demanding work deadlines; financial worries; health issues and juggling family life. All these factors set off our body's natural alarm system. Yet, what if our "alarm system" keeps going off? New research in the area of chronic stress reveals that it actually ages us at a cellular level. Chronic stress and cortisol depletes an enzyme called “telomerase” which replenishes our telomeres (chromosomes' protective caps) affecting the length of the telomere. Shortening of telomeres leads to premature cellular ageing, persistent inflammation, weakened immune systems and chronic diseases associated with age. The good news is that you can counteract or at least protect your telomeres from shortening. By watching what you eat, avoiding pollution and toxins, engaging in a regular exercise routine and most importantly, managing your stress! “You might think you need to improve your diet, or exercise more, and that’s true. But for you, the first priority might be to manage stress better so you are more capable of doing those things, and reduce a hormonal barrier to weight control into the bargain.” - Dr. David Katz, Director of the Yale University Prevention Research Center in New Haven, Connecticut.
    What does Ashwagandha help with?
    Well, stress is nothing new and that’s why an ancient medicinal herb called Ashwagandha has been used over 3,000 years to manage stress. This “power herb” improves concentration, increases overall energy levels and has been proved to reduce stress and anxiety. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera, fam. Solanaceae) also know as Indian ginseng or Winter cherry is a yellow flowering, evergreen shrub. Native to India and North Africa its roots and velvety green leaves have been used for their many medicinal properties. What makes it so special is that Ashwagandha is an adaptogen but unlike other adaptogens, it has a sedative effect that helps anxiety or nervousness. It can help your body respond to chronic and oxidative stress and has been studied to show that it helps reduce the key to stress, “cortisol levels”.
    What does L-Theanine help with?
    When one sips on a cup of green or black tea, that sense of calmness and relaxation may be attributed to an amino acid called L-theanine. We do not naturally produce L-theanine, but it may affect the levels of serotonin and dopamine in our brain, which affect our mood and sleep, as well as cortisol levels, which help our bodies cope with stress. We have added L-theanine as it comes as no surprise that it is used to reduce anxiety, stress and sleep disorders. As stressful situations often cause increased blood pressure, L-theanine may be beneficial in aiding to normalize stress-induced blood pressure. It also has inflammatory and antioxidant properties which may help your immune system, decreasing the incidences of upper respiratory tract infections and improving inflammation in the intestinal tract.
    What are the benefits of our Youth & Earth Liposomal Ashwagandha & L'Theanine?
    Reduces “cortisol levels” the key to chronic stress Provides anti-anxiety and calming properties Increases general energy levels Supports a better quality of sleep Aids to reduce stress-induced blood pressure Helps balance metabolism, mood and digestion Reduces premature ageing effects on skin Supports the body's immune system
    Why is Liposomal Ashwagandha better than traditional Ashwagandha?
    We used Liposomal technology, making our Liposomal Ashwagandha & L-theanine a nano supplement with almost 80% higher bioavailability. The "power herb" Ashwagandha is now encapsulated by tiny liposomes that are highly absorbable and prevent your digestive enzymes from breaking them down. With this liposomal process each spoonful is more rapidly absorbed by your body, giving you the best results.
    Why buy Ashwagandha from Youth & Earth?
    Our Liposomal Ashwagandha supplement has been third party tested to validate the Ashwagandha & L-Theanine content. Our formula is a nano supplement with 8x times higher bioavailability compared to traditional Ashwagandha supplements.
    Is the Youth & Earth Liposomal Ashwagandha & L'Theanine vegan-friendly?
    Yes, our Liposomal Ashwagandha & L'Theanine is vegan, gluten-free and it does not contain any GMOs or nasty fillers.
